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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pdfjoin. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Pdfjoin is a command line tool used to merge multiple PDF files into a single PDF document. It is commonly used in Linux and Unix systems. By using pdfjoin, users can conveniently combine separate PDF files, rearrange their order, and create a consolidated document.

One of the key features of pdfjoin is its ability to maintain the original quality and formatting of the input PDF files. It ensures that the merged PDF appears as close as possible to the individual files. This is particularly useful when merging important documents, such as reports or legal contracts.

The utility offers various options to customize the merging process. Users can specify the output filename, define the page range to be included from each document, and even set a password to protect the resulting PDF file. These options provide flexibility and help meet different requirements.

Pdfjoin supports both graphical and command line interfaces. While the command line interface is primarily used for automation and scripting purposes, the graphical interface offers a user-friendly environment to manually select and arrange the PDF files.

The tool relies on a backend called pdftk (PDF Toolkit) to perform the merging operation. It leverages pdftk's capabilities to handle PDF manipulation tasks efficiently and reliably.

Pdfjoin is available as a free and open-source tool, making it accessible to a wide range of users. It is actively maintained by the Linux community and receives regular updates to address any bugs or compatibility issues that may arise.

The command syntax for pdfjoin is straightforward and easy to understand, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced users. It typically consists of specifying the input files and options, followed by the output filename.

Pdfjoin has a reputation for being fast and efficient, allowing users to merge large PDF files quickly without significant impact on system resources. This makes it ideal for bulk merging operations or when dealing with extensive documentation.

The tool also supports bookmarks and hyperlinks. If the input PDF files contain these elements, pdfjoin preserves them in the merged document, ensuring a seamless and interactive reading experience.

In summary, pdfjoin is a versatile command line tool that simplifies the merging of PDF files while maintaining their original quality and formatting. It offers various options for customization, supports both command line and graphical interfaces, and relies on the powerful pdftk backend. With its speed and efficiency, pdfjoin is a reliable choice for combining multiple PDF documents into a single file.

List of commands for pdfjoin:

  • pdfjoin:tldr:4c3a6 pdfjoin: Merge two PDFs into one with the default suffix "joined".
    $ pdfjoin ${filename1-pdf} ${filename2-pdf}
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  • pdfjoin:tldr:4f33f pdfjoin: Save pages 3 to 5 followed by page 1 to a new PDF with custom suffix.
    $ pdfjoin ${filename-pdf} ${3-5,1} --suffix ${rearranged}
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  • pdfjoin:tldr:4febc pdfjoin: Merge page subranges from two PDFs.
    $ pdfjoin {/path/to/file1.pdf}} ${2-} ${file2} ${last-3} --outfile ${output_file}
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  • pdfjoin:tldr:61c6e pdfjoin: Merge the first page of each given file together.
    $ pdfjoin ${filename1-pdf filename2-pdf ---} ${1} --outfile ${output_file}
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