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pdfjoin: Save pages 3 to 5 followed by page 1 to a new PDF with custom suffix.
$ pdfjoin ${filename-pdf} ${3-5,1} --suffix ${rearranged}
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The command you provided is an example of a command using the "pdfjoin" utility.

Here is a breakdown of the command's components:

  1. "pdfjoin": This is the name of the utility or program being run.
  2. "${filename-pdf}": This is a variable that represents the name of the PDF file you want to join. The specific value of this variable is not given in the command you provided.
  3. "${3-5,1}": This is another variable, representing a range of pages from the PDF file. In this case, it represents pages 3 to 5, in sequence (3, 4, 5), and page 1 separately. Again, the specific values of these variables are not provided in the given command.
  4. "--suffix ${rearranged}": This option is used to specify a suffix for the output file(s). In this case, the suffix is given by the ${rearranged} variable. Once more, the specific value of this variable is not provided.

Overall, this command seeks to join specific page ranges (pages 3 to 5 and page 1) from a PDF file (specified by the ${filename-pdf} variable) into a single output file. The output file(s) will have a suffix specified by the ${rearranged} variable. However, without the specific values of these variables, it is difficult to determine the exact functionality of this command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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