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pdfposter: Scale an A4 poster to A3 and then generate 2 A4 pages.
$ pdfposter --scale 2 ${input_file-pdf} ${output_file-pdf}
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The command "pdfposter --scale 2 ${input_file-pdf} ${output_file-pdf}" is used to create a poster-like larger version of a PDF file. It utilizes the "pdfposter" tool and the provided arguments to perform this task.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "pdfposter" is the name of the tool or program being executed.
  • "--scale 2" is an option flag that specifies the scale factor for the poster. In this case, it is set to "2", which means the resulting poster will be double the size of the original PDF.
  • "${input_file-pdf}" is a placeholder for the input PDF file or its path. The actual input file or path should be specified in place of "${input_file-pdf}".
  • "${output_file-pdf}" is a placeholder for the output PDF file or its path. The resulting poster will be saved as a PDF file, and this placeholder should be replaced with the desired output file or path.

To use this command, replace the placeholders with the appropriate input and output file information, and run the command in a terminal or command prompt. The specified PDF file will be scaled up to create a poster-like output PDF file according to the specified scale factor.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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