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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pdfposter. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


pdfposter is a command-line tool that allows users to split a PDF file into multiple pages and rearrange them into a printable poster-sized format. With pdfposter, you can convert a regular PDF into a large-format poster by expanding individual pages across multiple standard-sized pages. The tool is written in Python and utilizes the Python Imaging Library (PIL) for manipulating image files. Pdfposter supports a variety of output formats, including PDF, PNG, and TIFF. Users can specify the desired paper size, orientation, and resolution for the output file. Pdfposter also offers options for adjusting the overlap between each printed page, enabling seamless merging of individual pages. The tool provides a preview mode, which allows users to see how the poster will appear before generating the final output. Pdfposter can be run from the command-line interface, making it suitable for scripting and automation tasks. It is widely used in areas such as scientific research, teaching, and the creation of large-scale presentations or maps. Pdfposter is cross-platform compatible and can be installed easily via package managers like pip, homebrew, or apt-get.

List of commands for pdfposter:

  • pdfposter:tldr:0d6cc pdfposter: Convert an A2 poster into 4 A4 pages.
    $ pdfposter --poster-size a2 ${input_file-pdf} ${output_file-pdf}
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  • pdfposter:tldr:c3ef4 pdfposter: Scale an A4 poster to A3 and then generate 2 A4 pages.
    $ pdfposter --scale 2 ${input_file-pdf} ${output_file-pdf}
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