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pdfunite: Merge a directory of PDFs into a single PDF.
$ pdfunite ${path-to-directory-*-pdf} ${path-to-merged_output-pdf}
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This command is using the pdfunite utility to merge multiple PDF files into a single PDF file.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • ${path-to-directory-*-pdf}: This is a placeholder for the path to the directory where the PDF files you want to merge are located. The * is a wildcard that matches any filename, so if you have PDF files named file1.pdf, file2.pdf, and so on, it will match all of them.

  • ${path-to-merged_output-pdf}: This is a placeholder for the path to the merged output PDF file. You can specify a desired name and location for the merged file.

So, you need to replace ${path-to-directory-*-pdf} with the actual path to the directory containing your PDF files, and ${path-to-merged_output-pdf} with the actual path where you want the merged PDF file to be created.

After replacing the placeholders, the command would look like this:

pdfunite /path/to/directory/*.pdf /path/to/merged_output.pdf

The pdfunite utility will take all the PDF files in the specified directory and merge them into a single PDF file named merged_output.pdf in the specified output directory.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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