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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pdfunite. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


pdfunite is a command-line tool used to merge PDF files into a single PDF file. It is part of the Poppler utilities package and is available for Linux, Unix, and Mac OS. The tool provides a simple and efficient way to combine multiple PDF documents into one, making it useful for tasks like merging reports, combining multiple chapters of an e-book, or collating scanned documents. pdfunite supports both PDF and PS (PostScript) file formats, allowing users to merge files of different types. It preserves the original quality of the input files and can handle large files without compromising performance. The order of the input files dictates the order of their appearance in the merged PDF file. The tool allows users to specify the output file name and location. In addition to merging PDF files, pdfunite can also be used to extract specific pages from a PDF document and create a new PDF with just those pages. pdfunite is a lightweight and versatile command-line tool, making it suitable for use in scripting or automation tasks. Overall, pdfunite provides a convenient way to manage and organize PDF files without the need for complex software or graphical interfaces.

List of commands for pdfunite:

  • pdfunite:tldr:1d8a3 pdfunite: Merge 2 PDFs into a single PDF.
    $ pdfunite ${filenameA-pdf} ${filenameB-pdf} ${path-to-merged_output-pdf}
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  • pdfunite:tldr:66de0 pdfunite: Merge a directory of PDFs into a single PDF.
    $ pdfunite ${path-to-directory-*-pdf} ${path-to-merged_output-pdf}
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