List of commands for perl:
perl:tldr:02d62 perl: Parse and execute a Perl statement.$ perl -e ${perl_statement}try on your machineexplain this command
perl:tldr:5d647 perl: Edit all file lines [i]n-place with a specific replacement [e]xpression, saving a backup with a new extension.$ perl -p -i'.${extension}' -e 's/${regular_expression}/${replacement}/g' ${filename}try on your machineexplain this command
perl:tldr:8c041 perl: Check syntax errors on a Perl script.$ perl -c ${script-pl}try on your machineexplain this command
perl:tldr:a0c25 perl: Parse and execute a Perl script.$ perl ${script-pl}try on your machineexplain this command
perl:tldr:d4051 perl: Run a regular [e]xpression on `stdin`, printing matching [l]ines.$ cat ${filename} | perl -n -l -e 'print if /${regular_expression}/'try on your machineexplain this command
perl:tldr:dc70e perl: Run a multi-line replacement [e]xpression on a file, and save the result in a specific file.$ perl -p -e 's/${foo\nbar}/${foobar}/g' ${path-to-input_file} > ${path-to-output_file}try on your machineexplain this command
perl:tldr:e0604 perl: Run a Perl script in debug mode, using `perldebug`.$ perl -d ${script-pl}try on your machineexplain this command
perl:tldr:f3210 perl: Run a regular [e]xpression on `stdin`, printing only the first capture group for each matching [l]ine.$ cat ${filename} | perl -n -l -e 'print $1 if /${before}(${regular_expression})${after}/'try on your machineexplain this command