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pg_ctl: Restart a PostgreSQL server.
$ pg_ctl -D ${data_directory} restart
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The command pg_ctl -D ${data_directory} restart is used to restart a PostgreSQL database cluster.

Here's an explanation of the command and its components:

  • pg_ctl is the PostgreSQL control utility command.
  • -D option specifies the data directory of the PostgreSQL cluster.
  • ${data_directory} is a placeholder for the actual directory path that contains the data files for the PostgreSQL cluster. It needs to be replaced with the correct directory path when running the command.
  • restart is the action that tells pg_ctl to restart the PostgreSQL cluster.

When executing this command, it stops the running PostgreSQL instance (if any), and then starts it again using the specified data directory. This can be helpful when you need to apply certain changes or updates to the PostgreSQL cluster or fix any issues that require a restart.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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