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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pg_ctl. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


pg_ctl is a command line tool used to control and manage PostgreSQL database clusters. It allows users to start, stop, and restart database clusters with ease. Users can use pg_ctl to manage both the server and the database clusters. The tool provides options to specify locations for data storage, log files, and configuration files. It also allows users to specify a custom port number for the database cluster. pg_ctl enables users to perform administrative tasks such as creating backups, creating new clusters, and recovering from crashes. The tool provides options to control various aspects of the server, including the logging level, listening addresses, and the maximum number of connections. It can be used to enable and disable various features and extensions in the database cluster. pg_ctl also provides options to gracefully shut down the server, allowing it to finish processing current queries before terminating. Overall, pg_ctl is an essential command line tool for managing and controlling PostgreSQL database clusters efficiently.

List of commands for pg_ctl:

  • pg_ctl:tldr:21690 pg_ctl: Restart a PostgreSQL server.
    $ pg_ctl -D ${data_directory} restart
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  • pg_ctl:tldr:747ce pg_ctl: Initialize a new PostgreSQL database cluster.
    $ pg_ctl -D ${data_directory} init
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  • pg_ctl:tldr:8661f pg_ctl: Start a PostgreSQL server.
    $ pg_ctl -D ${data_directory} start
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  • pg_ctl:tldr:92f96 pg_ctl: Reload the PostgreSQL server configuration.
    $ pg_ctl -D ${data_directory} reload
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