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pg_ctl: Initialize a new PostgreSQL database cluster.
$ pg_ctl -D ${data_directory} init
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This command is used to initialize a PostgreSQL database cluster.

  • pg_ctl is the command-line utility for controlling various aspects of a PostgreSQL database cluster.
  • -D specifies the data directory to be used for the cluster.
  • ${data_directory} is a placeholder for the actual path of the data directory. You need to replace it with the appropriate directory path.
  • init is the action to be performed, which initializes the database cluster.

When you run this command, PostgreSQL initializes a new database cluster in the specified data directory. The database cluster includes system tables, metadata, and other necessary files for the functioning of a PostgreSQL database server. You typically run this command once when setting up a new PostgreSQL instance.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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