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pg_ctl: Start a PostgreSQL server.
$ pg_ctl -D ${data_directory} start
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The command "pg_ctl -D ${data_directory} start" is used to start a PostgreSQL database server.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "pg_ctl": It is the command-line utility program used to control various aspects of a PostgreSQL server, such as starting, stopping, or restarting.

  • "-D ${data_directory}": It specifies the data directory for the PostgreSQL server. The data directory is the location where all the database files, configuration files, and other data related to the server are stored.

  • "start": It is an argument passed to the pg_ctl command, indicating that the server should be started. When this argument is used, pg_ctl starts the PostgreSQL server with the specified data directory.

In summary, the command "pg_ctl -D ${data_directory} start" is used to start the PostgreSQL server using the specified "data_directory".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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