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phing: Specify a custom build file path.
$ phing -f ${path-to-build-xml} ${task_name}
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The given command utilizes Phing, a build tool for PHP projects, to execute a specific task defined in a build.xml file.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • phing: This is the command-line executable for Phing.
  • -f ${path-to-build-xml}: The -f option specifies the path to the build.xml file, which holds the project's build configuration. ${path-to-build-xml} needs to be replaced with the actual path to the build.xml file.
  • ${task_name}: This is a placeholder for the specific task name that needs to be executed. ${task_name} needs to be replaced with the desired task name specified in the build.xml file. Tasks represent specific actions or goals to be performed as part of the build process.

By running this command, Phing will use the provided build.xml file to execute the specified task, enabling the automation of various build-related operations in a PHP project.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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