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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool phing. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Phing is a command-line tool used for build automation in PHP projects. It is inspired by Apache Ant but designed specifically for PHP.

Here are ten key facts about Phing:

  1. Phing stands for "PHP Phing," and it is based on XML build files.
  2. It allows developers to define and manage complex build processes for their PHP projects.
  3. Phing supports various tasks like creating directories, copying files, running unit tests, generating documentation, deploying applications, and more.
  4. Tasks are defined in XML using Phing's build.xml file, where developers can specify different targets and dependencies.
  5. These build files can be easily extended and customized to suit the specific requirements of the project.
  6. Phing is platform-independent, meaning it can be used on any operating system as long as PHP is installed.
  7. It integrates well with other tools commonly used in PHP development, such as PHPUnit for testing, phpDocumentor for generating documentation, and many others.
  8. Phing provides a command-line interface that allows developers to execute tasks, build targets, and control the build process.
  9. It offers a wide range of built-in tasks and supports the creation of custom tasks to cater to specific project needs.
  10. Phing is an open-source tool and is actively maintained, meaning it benefits from the contributions and enhancements from the PHP community.

List of commands for phing:

  • phing:tldr:53d8f phing: Initialize a new build file.
    $ phing -i ${path-to-build-xml}
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  • phing:tldr:6fad4 phing: Specify a custom build file path.
    $ phing -f ${path-to-build-xml} ${task_name}
    try on your machine
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  • phing:tldr:8c1b3 phing: Specify custom properties to use in the build.
    $ phing -D${property}=${value} ${task_name}
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  • phing:tldr:a0721 phing: Specify a custom listener class.
    $ phing -listener ${class_name} ${task_name}
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  • phing:tldr:a952b phing: Specify a log file to output to.
    $ phing -b ${path-to-log_file} ${task_name}
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  • phing:tldr:cdd2e phing: Perform the default task in the `build.xml` file.
    $ phing
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  • phing:tldr:cf631 phing: Build using verbose output.
    $ phing -verbose ${task_name}
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  • phing:tldr:d325a phing: Perform a specific task.
    $ phing ${task_name}
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tool overview