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phing: Perform the default task in the `build.xml` file.
$ phing
try on your machine

Phing is a command-line build tool for Apache Ant, typically used for automating repetitive tasks in software development projects. It is similar to tools like Apache Maven in function and purpose.

When the "phing" command is executed, it runs the Phing build system and performs the tasks defined in a build.xml file. This build.xml file contains instructions for Phing to build, test, deploy, or perform other desired actions on a software project.

Phing uses XML configuration to define targets, which are specific tasks or actions to be executed. Targets can have dependencies on other targets, allowing for complex build sequences.

In addition to the built-in tasks provided by Phing, the tool also supports custom tasks, which can be created and integrated into the build process as necessary.

Some common tasks that can be performed using Phing include compilation of source code, execution of tests, generation of documentation, deployment to servers, and various other administrative tasks. By providing a standardized and automated way to perform such tasks, Phing helps maintain consistency and efficiency in software development projects.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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