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phing: Perform a specific task.
$ phing ${task_name}
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The command "phing ${task_name}" is invoking the Phing task runner in a command-line environment and running a specific task specified by the variable "task_name".

Phing is a build system similar to Apache Ant, used primarily for automating repetitive tasks in software development projects. It is written in PHP and allows developers to define a series of tasks in an XML file, which can be executed sequentially by Phing.

In this command, the variable ${task_name} represents the name of a particular task that should be executed by Phing. This variable is generally set before running the command, either as an environment variable or through a configuration file. The value of this variable determines the specific task to be executed by Phing.

By running "phing ${task_name}", Phing will search for the corresponding task in the configured build file (usually named "build.xml") and execute it. The execution of the task will depend on the specific instructions defined within the XML file, such as compiling code, running tests, generating documentation, etc.

Overall, the command "phing ${task_name}" is a way to run a specific task defined in a Phing build file using the Phing task runner.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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