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List of commands for php-coveralls:

  • php-coveralls:tldr:283b1 php-coveralls: Specify multiple Coverage Clover XML files to upload.
    $ php-coveralls --coverage_clover ${path-to-first_clover-xml} --coverage_clover ${path-to-second_clover-xml}
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  • php-coveralls:tldr:2eb67 php-coveralls: Send coverage information to Coveralls.
    $ php-coveralls
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  • php-coveralls:tldr:73007 php-coveralls: Send coverage information to Coveralls for a specific directory.
    $ php-coveralls --root_dir ${path-to-directory}
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  • php-coveralls:tldr:7b784 php-coveralls: Send coverage information to Coveralls excluding source files with no executable statements.
    $ php-coveralls --exclude-no-stmt
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  • php-coveralls:tldr:88c6e php-coveralls: Send coverage information to Coveralls with a specific environment name.
    $ php-coveralls --env ${select}
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  • php-coveralls:tldr:8c57f php-coveralls: Send coverage information to Coveralls with a specific config.
    $ php-coveralls --config ${path-to--coveralls-yml}
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  • php-coveralls:tldr:99425 php-coveralls: Output the JSON that will be sent to Coveralls to a specific file.
    $ php-coveralls --json_path ${path-to-coveralls-upload-json}
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  • php-coveralls:tldr:cbee0 php-coveralls: Send coverage information to Coveralls with verbose output.
    $ php-coveralls --verbose
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