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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool php-coveralls. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


php-coveralls is a command line tool that helps PHP developers track and submit code coverage reports to the Coveralls service. It is specifically designed to work with PHPUnit, a popular PHP unit testing framework. The tool helps developers measure the effectiveness of their unit tests by analyzing the code coverage, which indicates which parts of the code are being tested. It supports multiple coverage report formats, including Clover, LCOV, and PHP_CodeCoverage, allowing developers to choose the format that best suits their needs. With php-coveralls, developers can easily generate and submit coverage reports to the Coveralls service, which aggregates the data and provides detailed coverage metrics. The tool integrates with Travis CI, a popular continuous integration service, making it convenient for developers to automatically submit coverage reports after each build. php-coveralls supports various ways of authenticating with the Coveralls service, including using the repository token or environment variables, ensuring a secure submission of coverage data. Developers can customize the behavior of php-coveralls by providing configuration options such as coverage file paths, report filenames, and service names. It provides informative command line output, summarizing the coverage report submission process and notifying developers of any errors or successful submissions. Overall, php-coveralls simplifies the process of tracking and submitting code coverage reports, helping PHP developers improve the quality and reliability of their applications.

List of commands for php-coveralls:

  • php-coveralls:tldr:283b1 php-coveralls: Specify multiple Coverage Clover XML files to upload.
    $ php-coveralls --coverage_clover ${path-to-first_clover-xml} --coverage_clover ${path-to-second_clover-xml}
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  • php-coveralls:tldr:2eb67 php-coveralls: Send coverage information to Coveralls.
    $ php-coveralls
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  • php-coveralls:tldr:73007 php-coveralls: Send coverage information to Coveralls for a specific directory.
    $ php-coveralls --root_dir ${path-to-directory}
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  • php-coveralls:tldr:7b784 php-coveralls: Send coverage information to Coveralls excluding source files with no executable statements.
    $ php-coveralls --exclude-no-stmt
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  • php-coveralls:tldr:88c6e php-coveralls: Send coverage information to Coveralls with a specific environment name.
    $ php-coveralls --env ${select}
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  • php-coveralls:tldr:8c57f php-coveralls: Send coverage information to Coveralls with a specific config.
    $ php-coveralls --config ${path-to--coveralls-yml}
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  • php-coveralls:tldr:99425 php-coveralls: Output the JSON that will be sent to Coveralls to a specific file.
    $ php-coveralls --json_path ${path-to-coveralls-upload-json}
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  • php-coveralls:tldr:cbee0 php-coveralls: Send coverage information to Coveralls with verbose output.
    $ php-coveralls --verbose
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