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phpdismod: Disable the JSON extension for PHP 7.3 with the cli SAPI.
$ sudo phpdismod -v ${7-3} -s ${cli} ${json}
try on your machine

This command is a command-line instruction to disable specific PHP modules. Here's a breakdown of each element:

  • sudo: The command is prefixed with sudo to run it as a superuser (root) or with administrative privileges. This is necessary because module management typically requires elevated permissions.
  • phpdismod: This is the main command used to disable PHP modules.
  • -v ${7-3}: The -v flag instructs phpdismod to operate in verbose mode, providing more detailed output. ${7-3} is a variable indicating the PHP version to target for module removal. It specifies the PHP major version (7) and minor version (3), which can be customized as needed.
  • -s ${cli}: The -s flag specifies the PHP SAPI (Server Application Programming Interface) to affect. ${cli} is a variable representing the command-line interface (CLI) SAPI, indicating that the module should be disabled specifically for command-line PHP usage. Other possible values for this variable could be ${apache2} for the Apache web server module or ${fpm} for PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager).
  • ${json}: This variable represents the name of the specific PHP module to disable. Replace ${json} with the desired module name.

Overall, the command is used to disable a PHP module with administrative privileges, specifying the PHP version, SAPI, and module to disable.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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