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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool phpdismod. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The phpdismod command-line tool is a utility for disabling PHP extensions in a PHP installation. It is specifically designed for systems using PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager). When certain PHP extensions are enabled, they consume system resources and can affect the performance of the PHP runtime. To optimize the system's performance, the phpdismod tool allows you to disable these extensions easily.

The tool works by modifying the configuration files of PHP-FPM to exclude the specified extensions from loading during the runtime. By disabling unnecessary extensions, you can reduce the memory usage, improve overall performance, and simplify the maintenance of the PHP installation. phpdismod typically requires root privileges to make changes to the PHP-FPM configuration files.

It is important to note that phpdismod only disables the extensions, and it does not completely remove them from the system. If needed, you can enable the disabled extensions again using the phpenmod command. Both phpdismod and phpenmod are typically available on system distributions that utilize the php-fpm package.

List of commands for phpdismod:

  • phpdismod:tldr:2f257 phpdismod: Disable the JSON extension for PHP 7.3 with the cli SAPI.
    $ sudo phpdismod -v ${7-3} -s ${cli} ${json}
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  • phpdismod:tldr:e1bea phpdismod: Disable the JSON extension for every SAPI of every PHP version.
    $ sudo phpdismod ${json}
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