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phpdismod: Disable the JSON extension for every SAPI of every PHP version.
$ sudo phpdismod ${json}
try on your machine

The command sudo phpdismod ${json} is a Linux command that is used to disable a specific PHP module or extension. Let's break down the command into its components:

  • sudo: This is a command that allows a user with administrative privileges (superuser) to execute a command with elevated permissions. It prompts for the user's password before execution.
  • phpdismod: This is a command used to disable PHP modules or extensions. It is specific to systems that use PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) and is typically found on Linux distributions.
  • ${json}: This is a variable that holds the name of the specific PHP module or extension to be disabled. The variable name is "json," but without additional context, it's hard to determine the value that is stored in this variable.

In summary, the command sudo phpdismod ${json} is used to disable a specific PHP module or extension by running the "phpdismod" command with administrative privileges. The name of the module or extension that is disabled is stored in the variable "${json."

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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