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phpmd: Display a list of available rulesets and formats.
$ phpmd
try on your machine

The "phpmd" command stands for "PHP Mess Detector". It is a static analysis tool used for detecting potential issues and coding violations in PHP codebases.

When you run the "phpmd" command, you typically pass it the path to your PHP source code as well as a rule set or a configuration file to use for analysis. It will then analyze your code and generate a report that indicates any detected code smells, such as:

  1. Unused variables or parameters
  2. Overcomplicated expressions or nested conditions
  3. Excessive code complexity or duplication
  4. Violations of coding standards or best practices
  5. Potential security vulnerabilities or insecure code patterns
  6. Poorly performing or inefficient code constructs

The tool provides a wide range of predefined rules that can be enabled or disabled based on your preferences or project requirements. It also allows custom rule sets or rules to be defined.

Overall, "phpmd" helps you improve code quality, maintainability, and adherence to coding standards by identifying potential issues that could lead to bugs or other problems. By running it regularly as part of your development or continuous integration processes, you can catch and address these issues early on, enhancing the overall codebase robustness.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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