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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool phpmd. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


This is the project site of PHPMD. It is a spin-off project of PHP Depend and aims to be a PHP equivalent of the well known Java tool PMD. PHPMD can be seen as an user friendly and easy to configure frontend for the raw metrics measured by PHP Depend.

What PHPMD does is: It takes a given PHP source code base and look for several potential problems within that source.

List of commands for phpmd:

  • phpmd:help phpmd: Display a list of available rulesets and formats.
    $ phpmd
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  • phpmd:tldr:0302d phpmd: Include only the specified extensions in analysis.
    $ phpmd ${filename_or_directory} ${xml|text|html} ${rulesets} --suffixes ${extensions}
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  • phpmd:tldr:033b7 phpmd: Exclude the specified comma-separated directories.
    $ phpmd ${filename_or_directory} ${xml|text|html} ${rulesets} --exclude ${directory_patterns}
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  • phpmd:tldr:1e85e phpmd: Specify the minimum priority threshold for rules.
    $ phpmd ${filename_or_directory} ${xml|text|html} ${rulesets} --minimumpriority ${priority}
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  • phpmd:tldr:23f4e phpmd: Ignore the use of warning-suppressive PHPDoc comments.
    $ phpmd ${filename_or_directory} ${xml|text|html} ${rulesets} --strict
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  • phpmd:tldr:6c1fb phpmd: Scan a file or directory for problems using comma-separated rulesets.
    $ phpmd ${filename_or_directory} ${xml|text|html} ${rulesets}
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  • phpmd:tldr:f767d phpmd: Output the results to a file instead of `stdout`.
    $ phpmd ${filename_or_directory} ${xml|text|html} ${rulesets} --reportfile ${path-to-report_file}
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tool overview