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phpmd: Specify the minimum priority threshold for rules.
$ phpmd ${filename_or_directory} ${xml|text|html} ${rulesets} --minimumpriority ${priority}
try on your machine

The command you provided is for invoking PHP Mess Detector (PHPMD), a static code analysis tool for PHP. Here's an explanation of each part of the command:

  1. phpmd: This is the command that executes the PHPMD tool.

  2. ${filename_or_directory}: This is the placeholder for the name of the file or directory you want to analyze with PHPMD. You need to replace ${filename_or_directory} with the actual name or path of the file or directory you want to analyze.

  3. ${xml|text|html}: This specifies the format for the generated analysis report. You need to choose one of the options: xml, text, or html. This determines the output format of the analysis results.

  4. ${rulesets}: This represents the rulesets that PHPMD should use for analyzing the code. Rulesets contain a collection of coding rules/checks that PHPMD will apply during the analysis process. You need to specify the name of the desired rulesets.

  5. --minimumpriority ${priority}: This is an optional parameter that allows you to set a minimum priority level for the code issues that will be reported. ${priority} should be replaced with the desired minimum priority level. The available priority levels are: 1 (low), 2 (normal), and 3 (high).

In summary, the command executes PHPMD to analyze a PHP file or directory, generates an analysis report in the specified format, uses the specified rulesets for analysis, and optionally filters the reported issues based on the minimum priority level.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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