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pigz: Compress a file using the best compression method.
$ pigz -9 ${filename}
try on your machine

This command is being executed using the "pigz" tool with the compression level "-9" on a specific file. Here's a breakdown of what each part of the command does:

  • "pigz": It is a parallel implementation of the "gzip" compression utility. It is designed to take advantage of multiple processors or cores to compress data faster compared to the traditional "gzip" utility.

  • "-9": This is an argument passed to the "pigz" command and it represents the compression level. In this case, "-9" specifies the highest compression level available, which means the compressed file will take more time to create but will be significantly smaller. It indicates that the compression algorithm should apply the most intensive compression techniques.

  • "${filename}": This is a placeholder for the actual name of the file to be compressed. The "${filename}" is expected to be substituted with the specific file name or path before running the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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