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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pigz. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Pigz is a command line tool used for parallel compression and decompression of files. It is a variant of the gzip compression tool, but with added support for parallel processing on multi-core systems. Pigz stands for "parallel implementation of gzip". The tool splits the input file into multiple parts, which are compressed or decompressed concurrently using different threads. This enables faster compression/decompression times as compared to traditional gzip. Pigz utilizes all available CPU threads to improve performance and processing speed. It supports compression ratios similar to gzip with the added benefit of reduced time requirements. The decompression process is also highly parallelized, leading to faster file extraction. Pigz is easy to use and can be integrated into existing file compression workflows by simply replacing gzip with pigz command. Overall, pigz is a powerful and efficient tool for achieving faster compression and decompression times with multi-threading capabilities.

List of commands for pigz:

  • pigz:tldr:00d0d pigz: Compress a file using no compression and 4 processors.
    $ pigz -0 -p${4} ${filename}
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  • pigz:tldr:3f3d3 pigz: Decompress a file.
    $ pigz -d ${archive-gz}
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  • pigz:tldr:44c41 pigz: Compress a file with default options.
    $ pigz ${filename}
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  • pigz:tldr:5ad3e pigz: Compress a file using the best compression method.
    $ pigz -9 ${filename}
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  • pigz:tldr:90ac6 pigz: List the contents of an archive.
    $ pigz -l ${archive-tar-gz}
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