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pio-access: Remove a user's access to a resource.
$ pio access revoke ${username} ${resource_urn}
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The command "pio access revoke ${username} ${resource_urn}" is a command-line instruction to revoke access to a specific resource for a given user.

Here's what each component of the command means:

  • "pio access revoke" is the main command that initiates the process of revoking access.
  • "${username}" is a placeholder for the username or identifier of the user whose access needs to be revoked. You need to replace it with the actual username.
  • "${resource_urn}" is another placeholder for the resource URN (Uniform Resource Name) that represents the specific resource for which access is being revoked. You need to replace it with the actual resource URN.

By executing this command, you are instructing the system to revoke the access rights of a specific user to a particular resource. The actual effect and outcome of this command will depend on the system or application it is executed in, as different systems may implement access revocation differently.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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