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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pio. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


PIO (PlatformIO) is a powerful and flexible command line tool designed for IoT (Internet of Things) development. It provides a unified ecosystem for building, debugging, and deploying firmware for various hardware platforms such as Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32, and more.

With PIO, developers can easily manage libraries, platforms, and projects directly from the command line interface. It supports multiple programming languages including C, C++, and Python.

PIO offers a wealth of features such as dependency management, version control integration, and project scaffolding. It incorporates a powerful build system that automatically resolves library dependencies and generates firmware binaries for easy deployment.

One important aspect of PIO is its support for different development platforms, including a wide range of hardware boards and development environments like Arduino IDE and Visual Studio Code. This allows developers to choose the tools they are already familiar with while benefiting from the advanced features provided by PIO.

PIO also provides seamless integration with popular code editors, enabling features like code completion, linting, and documentation lookup. It also offers comprehensive debugging capabilities through debuggers such as JTAG and GDB.

Furthermore, PIO has a vibrant and active community, with excellent documentation and a rich library registry. This enables developers to easily find and incorporate pre-built libraries into their projects.

In summary, PIO is a versatile command line tool that simplifies IoT firmware development by providing a unified ecosystem, supporting multiple hardware platforms and programming languages, integrating with various development environments, and offering powerful features for building, debugging, and deploying firmware.

List of commands for pio:

  • pio-access:tldr:27a15 pio-access: Remove a user's access to a resource.
    $ pio access revoke ${username} ${resource_urn}
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  • pio-access:tldr:76502 pio-access: Restrict access to a resource to specific users or team members.
    $ pio access private ${resource_urn}
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  • pio-access:tldr:bcc0b pio-access: Grant a user access to a resource.
    $ pio access grant ${select} ${username} ${resource_urn}
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  • pio-access:tldr:ca4ec pio-access: Allow all users access to a resource.
    $ pio access public ${resource_urn}
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  • pio-access:tldr:f96d6 pio-access: Show all resources that a user or team has access to and the access level.
    $ pio access list ${username}
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  • pio-account:tldr:2e0ff pio-account: Update your PlatformIO profile.
    $ pio account update --username ${username} --email ${email} --firstname ${firstname} --lastname ${lastname} --current-password ${password}
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  • pio-account:tldr:4869f pio-account: Reset your password using your username or email.
    $ pio account forgot --username ${username_or_email}
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  • pio-account:tldr:4dd0c pio-account: Log out of your PlatformIO account.
    $ pio account logout
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  • pio-account:tldr:538d8 pio-account: Register a new PlatformIO account.
    $ pio account register --username ${username} --email ${email} --password ${password} --firstname ${firstname} --lastname ${lastname}
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  • pio-account:tldr:70ff0 pio-account: Log in to your PlatformIO account.
    $ pio account login --username ${username} --password ${password}
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  • pio-account:tldr:7dcb6 pio-account: Permanently delete your PlatformIO account and related data.
    $ pio account destroy
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  • pio-account:tldr:b2f88 pio-account: Show detailed information about your PlatformIO account.
    $ pio account show
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  • pio-boards:tldr:319be pio-boards: List all available boards.
    $ pio boards
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  • pio-boards:tldr:dfbb2 pio-boards: List only boards from installed platforms.
    $ pio boards --installed
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  • pio-check:tldr:54724 pio-check: Perform a basic analysis check on the current project.
    $ pio check
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  • pio-check:tldr:5e827 pio-check: Perform an analysis check and only report a specified defect severity type.
    $ pio check --severity ${select}
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  • pio-check:tldr:a484d pio-check: Perform an analysis check and show detailed information when processing environments.
    $ pio check --verbose
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  • pio-check:tldr:e31aa pio-check: Perform a basic analysis check on a specific project.
    $ pio check --project-dir ${project_dir}
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  • pio-check:tldr:f6b44 pio-check: Perform an analysis check for a specific environment.
    $ pio check --environment ${environment}
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  • pio-ci:tldr:20cc7 pio-ci: Build a PlatformIO project using a specific configuration file.
    $ pio ci --project-conf ${path-to-platformio-ini}
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  • pio-ci:tldr:2bb8b pio-ci: Build a PlatformIO project and specify a specific board (`pio boards` lists all of them).
    $ pio ci --board ${board} ${path-to-project}
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  • pio-ci:tldr:7768f pio-ci: Build a PlatformIO project and specify specific libraries.
    $ pio ci --lib ${path-to-library_directory} ${path-to-project}
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  • pio-ci:tldr:99f11 pio-ci: Build a PlatformIO project in a specific directory.
    $ pio ci --build-dir ${path-to-build_directory} ${path-to-project}
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  • pio-ci:tldr:b6eb2 pio-ci: Build a PlatformIO project in the default system temporary directory and delete it afterwards.
    $ pio ci ${path-to-project}
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  • pio-ci:tldr:c3ef4 pio-ci: Build a PlatformIO project and don't delete the build directory.
    $ pio ci --keep-build-dir ${path-to-project}
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  • pio-debug:tldr:0244e pio-debug: Debug a PlatformIO project using the `gdb` debugger.
    $ pio debug --interface=${gdb} ${gdb_options}
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  • pio-debug:tldr:1e0ca pio-debug: Debug a PlatformIO project using a specific configuration file.
    $ pio debug --project-conf ${path-to-platformio-ini}
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  • pio-debug:tldr:868a9 pio-debug: Debug a specific PlatformIO project.
    $ pio debug --project-dir ${path-to-platformio_project}
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  • pio-debug:tldr:b9a41 pio-debug: Debug the PlatformIO project in the current directory.
    $ pio debug
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  • pio-debug:tldr:c5865 pio-debug: Debug a specific environment.
    $ pio debug --environment ${environment}
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  • pio-device:tldr:1def8 pio-device: Start an interactive device monitor and listen to a specific port.
    $ pio device monitor --port ${-dev-ttyUSBX}
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  • pio-device:tldr:3838a pio-device: Start an interactive device monitor and set a specific baud rate (defaults to 9600).
    $ pio device monitor --baud ${57600}
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  • pio-device:tldr:3ecc5 pio-device: List all available logical devices.
    $ pio device list --logical
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  • pio-device:tldr:5d9e6 pio-device: Start an interactive device monitor.
    $ pio device monitor
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  • pio-device:tldr:702e7 pio-device: List all available serial ports.
    $ pio device list
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  • pio-device:tldr:8cfb8 pio-device: Start an interactive device monitor and set a specific EOL character (defaults to `CRLF`).
    $ pio device monitor --eol ${select}
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  • pio-home:tldr:3f406 pio-home: Specify a unique session identifier to keep PlatformIO Home isolated from other instances and protected from 3rd party access.
    $ pio home --session-id ${id}
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  • pio-home:tldr:42427 pio-home: Automatically shutdown the server on timeout (in seconds) when no clients are connected.
    $ pio home --shutdown-timeout ${time}
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  • pio-home:tldr:6f7af pio-home: Bind to a specific IP address (defaults to
    $ pio home --host ${ip_address}
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  • pio-home:tldr:8a62a pio-home: Do not automatically open PlatformIO Home in the default web browser.
    $ pio home --no-open
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  • pio-home:tldr:b77fc pio-home: Use a specific HTTP port (defaults to 8008).
    $ pio home --port ${port}
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  • pio-home:tldr:e688a pio-home: Open PlatformIO Home in the default web browser.
    $ pio home
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  • pio-lib:tldr:10a6a pio-lib: List installed libraries.
    $ pio lib list
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  • pio-lib:tldr:249df pio-lib: Uninstall a library.
    $ pio lib uninstall ${library}
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  • pio-lib:tldr:6b539 pio-lib: Install a library.
    $ pio lib install ${library}
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  • pio-lib:tldr:7d0cb pio-lib: Update installed libraries.
    $ pio lib update
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  • pio-lib:tldr:85f2d pio-lib: Show PlatformIO library registry statistics.
    $ pio lib stats
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  • pio-lib:tldr:9be30 pio-lib: Show details about a library.
    $ pio lib show ${library}
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  • pio-lib:tldr:ab9a5 pio-lib: Search for existing libraries.
    $ pio lib search ${keyword}
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  • pio-lib:tldr:ea209 pio-lib: List built-in libraries based on installed development platforms and their frameworks.
    $ pio lib builtin
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  • pio-org:tldr:0d5fa pio-org: Add a user to an organization.
    $ pio org add ${organization_name} ${username}
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  • pio-org:tldr:26d78 pio-org: List all organizations the current user is a member of and their owners.
    $ pio org list
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  • pio-org:tldr:2c3b4 pio-org: Update the name, email or display name of an organization.
    $ pio org update --orgname ${new_organization_name} --email ${new_email} --displayname ${new_display_name} ${organization_name}
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  • pio-org:tldr:4b25c pio-org: Remove a user from an organization.
    $ pio org remove ${organization_name} ${username}
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  • pio-org:tldr:961ab pio-org: Delete an organization.
    $ pio org destroy ${organization_name}
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  • pio-org:tldr:dce94 pio-org: Create a new organization.
    $ pio org create ${organization_name}
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  • pio-package:tldr:1a677 pio-package: Publish the current directory and restrict public access to it.
    $ pio package publish --private
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  • pio-package:tldr:76ac2 pio-package: Remove a specific version of a published package from the registry.
    $ pio package unpublish ${package_name}@${version}
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  • pio-package:tldr:ab122 pio-package: Undo the removal, putting all versions or a specific version of the package back into the registry.
    $ pio package unpublish --undo ${package_name}@${version}
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  • pio-package:tldr:b4b85 pio-package: Create a package tarball from the current directory.
    $ pio package pack --output ${path-to-package-tar-gz}
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  • pio-package:tldr:b92c4 pio-package: Publish a package.
    $ pio package publish ${path-to-package-tar-gz}
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  • pio-package:tldr:bf7b2 pio-package: Remove all versions of a published package from the registry.
    $ pio package unpublish ${package_name}
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  • pio-package:tldr:c3e4f pio-package: Create and publish a package tarball from the current directory.
    $ pio package publish
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  • pio-package:tldr:c5588 pio-package: Publish a package with a custom release date (UTC).
    $ pio package publish ${path-to-package-tar-gz} --released-at "${2021-04-08 21:15:38}"
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  • pio-platform:tldr:1e340 pio-platform: Search for existing development platforms.
    $ pio platform search ${platform}
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  • pio-platform:tldr:24465 pio-platform: Uninstall a development platform.
    $ pio platform uninstall ${platform}
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  • pio-platform:tldr:44ad3 pio-platform: Show details about a development platform.
    $ pio platform show ${platform}
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  • pio-platform:tldr:63831 pio-platform: Install a development platform.
    $ pio platform install ${platform}
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  • pio-platform:tldr:a0ab1 pio-platform: Update installed development platforms.
    $ pio platform update
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  • pio-platform:tldr:a39d6 pio-platform: List all installed development platforms.
    $ pio platform list
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  • pio-platform:tldr:b5db4 pio-platform: List all supported frameworks.
    $ pio platform frameworks
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  • pio-project:tldr:0f28a pio-project: Initialize a new PlatformIO based project, specifying one or more project options.
    $ pio project init --project-option="${option}=${value}" --project-option="${option}=${value}"
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  • pio-project:tldr:1a944 pio-project: Initialize a new PlatformIO project in a specific directory.
    $ pio project init --project-dir ${path-to-project_directory}
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  • pio-project:tldr:3d7f4 pio-project: Initialize a new PlatformIO project, specifying a board ID.
    $ pio project init --board ${select}
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  • pio-project:tldr:57e72 pio-project: Print the configuration of a project.
    $ pio project config
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  • pio-project:tldr:f97f5 pio-project: Initialize a new PlatformIO project.
    $ pio project init
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  • pio-remote:tldr:03292 pio-remote: List all active Remote Agents.
    $ pio remote agent list
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  • pio-remote:tldr:6e561 pio-remote: Start a new Remote Agent with a specific name and share it with friends.
    $ pio remote agent start --name ${agent_name} --share ${example1@example-com} --share ${example2@example-com}
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  • pio-remote:tldr:70b98 pio-remote: Run all targets on a specified Agent.
    $ pio remote --agent ${agent_name} run
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  • pio-remote:tldr:8f874 pio-remote: Update installed core packages, development platforms and global libraries on a specific Agent.
    $ pio remote --agent ${agent_name} update
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  • pio-remote:tldr:9a98d pio-remote: Run all tests in all environments on a specific Agent.
    $ pio remote --agent ${agent_name} test
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  • pio-remote:tldr:a42e0 pio-remote: List devices from specified Agents (omit `--agent` to specify all Agents).
    $ pio remote --agent ${agent_name1} --agent ${agent_name2} device list
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  • pio-remote:tldr:ffb95 pio-remote: Connect to the serial port of a remote device.
    $ pio remote --agent ${agent_name} device monitor
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  • pio-run:tldr:647a9 pio-run: Run the targets of a specified configuration file.
    $ pio run --project-conf ${path-to-platformio-ini}
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  • pio-run:tldr:74663 pio-run: Run all targets of specified environments.
    $ pio run --environment ${environment1} --environment ${environment2}
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  • pio-run:tldr:7923e pio-run: Run specified targets.
    $ pio run --target ${target1} --target ${target2}
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  • pio-run:tldr:d5982 pio-run: Run all targets.
    $ pio run
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  • pio-run:tldr:daed6 pio-run: List all available project targets.
    $ pio run --list-targets
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  • pio-run:tldr:f5356 pio-run: List all available project targets of a specific environment.
    $ pio run --list-targets --environment ${environment}
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  • pio-settings:tldr:33f78 pio-settings: Reset the values of all modified settings to their factory defaults.
    $ pio settings reset
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  • pio-settings:tldr:4f5e5 pio-settings: Display the names, values and descriptions of all PlatformIO settings.
    $ pio settings get
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  • pio-settings:tldr:b9656 pio-settings: Set a specific setting value.
    $ pio settings set ${setting} ${value}
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  • pio-settings:tldr:e955f pio-settings: Display the name, value and description of a specific PlatformIO setting.
    $ pio settings get ${setting}
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  • pio-system:tldr:01595 pio-system: Remove unused PlatformIO data.
    $ pio system prune
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  • pio-system:tldr:24664 pio-system: Install shell completion for the current shell (supports Bash, Fish, Zsh and PowerShell).
    $ pio system completion install
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  • pio-system:tldr:274d7 pio-system: List unused PlatformIO data that would be removed but do not actually remove it.
    $ pio system prune --dry-run
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  • pio-system:tldr:5b29b pio-system: Remove only cached data.
    $ pio system prune --cache
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  • pio-system:tldr:70455 pio-system: Uninstall shell completion for the current shell.
    $ pio system completion uninstall
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  • pio-system:tldr:f9bca pio-system: Display system-wide PlatformIO information.
    $ pio system info
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  • pio-team:tldr:26d5d pio-team: List all teams in an organization.
    $ pio team list ${organization_name}
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  • pio-team:tldr:4bbdc pio-team: Remove a user from a team.
    $ pio team remove ${organization_name}:${team_name} ${username}
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  • pio-team:tldr:6d84a pio-team: List all teams that the user is part of and their members.
    $ pio team list
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  • pio-team:tldr:97fff pio-team: Create a new team with the specified description.
    $ pio team create --description ${description} ${organization_name}:${team_name}
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  • pio-team:tldr:e4882 pio-team: Delete a team.
    $ pio team destroy ${organization_name}:${team_name}
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  • pio-team:tldr:ea7eb pio-team: Add a new user to a team.
    $ pio team add ${organization_name}:${team_name} ${username}
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  • pio-team:tldr:f1c68 pio-team: Change the description of a team.
    $ pio team update --description ${new_description} ${organization_name}:${team_name}
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  • pio-team:tldr:fa8d8 pio-team: Rename a team.
    $ pio team update --name ${new_team_name} ${organization_name}:${team_name}
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  • pio-test:tldr:2847d pio-test: Test only specific environments.
    $ pio test --environment ${environment1} --environment ${environment2}
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  • pio-test:tldr:2daa6 pio-test: Specify a custom configuration file for running the tests.
    $ pio test --project-conf ${path-to-platformio-ini}
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  • pio-test:tldr:3388d pio-test: Specify a port for firmware uploading.
    $ pio test --upload-port ${upload_port}
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  • pio-test:tldr:67806 pio-test: Run all tests in all environments of the current PlatformIO project.
    $ pio test
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  • pio-test:tldr:79c8f pio-test: Run only tests whose name matches a specific glob pattern.
    $ pio test --filter "${pattern}"
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  • pio-test:tldr:e5922 pio-test: Ignore tests whose name matches a specific glob pattern.
    $ pio test --ignore "${pattern}"
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  • pio-update:tldr:abdf8 pio-update: Update core packages only (skips platforms and libraries).
    $ pio update --core-packages
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  • pio-update:tldr:d12d2 pio-update: Perform a full update of all packages, development platforms and global libraries.
    $ pio update
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  • pio-update:tldr:f05a5 pio-update: Check for new versions of packages, platforms and libraries but do not actually update them.
    $ pio update --dry-run
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  • pio-upgrade:tldr:b958c pio-upgrade: Update PlatformIO to the latest version.
    $ pio upgrade
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  • pio-upgrade:tldr:f4180 pio-upgrade: Update PlatformIO to the latest development (unstable) version.
    $ pio upgrade --dev
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  • pio:tldr:9b3ff pio: Show help and list subcommands.
    $ pio --help
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  • pio:tldr:af5b0 pio: Print the version number and exit.
    $ pio --version
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  • pio:tldr:b6289 pio: Show help for a specific subcommand.
    $ pio ${subcommand} --help
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tool overview