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pio-check: Perform a basic analysis check on a specific project.
$ pio check --project-dir ${project_dir}
try on your machine

This command is used to check the consistency and correctness of the PlatformIO project specified by the --project-dir flag and the value of the ${project_dir} variable.

The pio check command is a part of the PlatformIO command-line interface (CLI) and it is used to perform various checks on a project, including the verification of project configuration files, library dependencies, build environments, and code syntax.

In this specific command, ${project_dir} is a placeholder for the directory path of the PlatformIO project. The actual directory path should be provided to replace ${project_dir} before executing the command. The --project-dir flag is used to specify the project directory where the command should be executed.

So, when executing this command, PlatformIO will check the specified project directory and perform necessary checks to ensure the correctness and consistency of the project files, dependencies, environments, and code.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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