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pio-device: Start an interactive device monitor and set a specific EOL character (defaults to `CRLF`).
$ pio device monitor --eol ${select}
try on your machine

The pio device monitor --eol ${select} command is used with PlatformIO, an open-source ecosystem for embedded development. This command is used to monitor a device connected to the computer and print its output to the terminal.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • pio device monitor: This is the main command that instructs PlatformIO to start monitoring the device.
  • --eol ${select}: This is an additional option passed to the pio device monitor command. --eol stands for "End-Of-Line," which specifies the character(s) to be used as the line ending in the terminal output. ${select} is a placeholder that is typically replaced with the desired line ending character(s) or sequence.

For example, if you want to use a newline character as the line ending, you would replace ${select} with \n. Alternatively, you could use other line ending characters or sequences depending on your requirements.

The purpose of specifying the line ending character(s) is to ensure that the terminal output is formatted and displayed correctly according to the expected line endings.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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