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pio-lib: Search for existing libraries.
$ pio lib search ${keyword}
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The command "pio lib search ${keyword}" is a command used in the PlatformIO (PIO) development environment to search for libraries related to a specific keyword.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "pio" is the command-line tool used to interact with the PlatformIO development ecosystem.
  • "lib" is a subcommand that deals specifically with libraries.
  • "search" is a subcommand used to search for libraries based on specific criteria.
  • "${keyword}" is a placeholder for the actual keyword you want to search for. Replace it with the actual keyword you are interested in.

By executing this command in the PlatformIO command prompt or terminal, PlatformIO will perform a search for libraries that match the provided keyword. The search results will include matching libraries along with relevant information such as library name, version, platform compatibility, and author. This helps developers find and integrate relevant libraries into their projects more easily.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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