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pio-package: Undo the removal, putting all versions or a specific version of the package back into the registry.
$ pio package unpublish --undo ${package_name}@${version}
try on your machine

This command is used in the PlatformIO (PIO) command-line interface to undo the unpublishing of a specific package with a given version.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • pio refers to the PlatformIO command-line tool.
  • package is a keyword to indicate that we are performing an action related to packages.
  • unpublish is the action being performed, which means removing the package from the platform's package repository.
  • --undo is an option that specifies that the command should undo the action of unpublishing.
  • ${package_name} is a placeholder for the name of the package that was previously unpublished and needs to be restored.
  • @${version} specifies the version of the package that was previously unpublished and needs to be restored. The @ symbol is used to separate the package name and version.

By executing this command with the appropriate package name and version, the package will be restored to the platform's package repository, undoing the earlier unpublish action.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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