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pio-package: Publish a package with a custom release date (UTC).
$ pio package publish ${path-to-package-tar-gz} --released-at "${2021-04-08 21:15:38}"
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The command "pio package publish" is used to publish a package in a platform called PlatformIO. This command requires the following parameters:

  • ${path-to-package-tar-gz}: Specifies the path to the package tar.gz file that you want to publish. Replace "${path-to-package-tar-gz}" with the actual path of the package file.
  • --released-at: Declares the release date and time for the package.
  • "${2021-04-08 21:15:38}": This is the value that should be provided for the --released-at parameter, specifying the desired release date and time in the format of "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS". Replace "${2021-04-08 21:15:38}" with the actual date and time you want for the package release.

So, running this command will publish the package located at ${path-to-package-tar-gz} on PlatformIO, with the specified release date and time.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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