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pio-system: List unused PlatformIO data that would be removed but do not actually remove it.
$ pio system prune --dry-run
try on your machine

The command "pio system prune --dry-run" is related to the PredictionIO system and is used to remove unused data and free up disk space.

Here's an explanation of the key elements of the command:

  • "pio system prune": This part initiates the system pruning process in PredictionIO. Pruning involves cleaning up data and metadata that is no longer needed within the system.

  • "--dry-run": This option performs a dry run, which means that it simulates the pruning process without actually deleting any data. It allows you to see a list of what would be pruned, without affecting any files or data.

By running "pio system prune --dry-run", you can get an overview of the data that would be removed if you were to perform an actual pruning. This allows you to review and verify the cleanup process before making any changes to your data.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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