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pio-test: Run all tests in all environments of the current PlatformIO project.
$ pio test
try on your machine

The "pio test" command is typically used in the context of PlatformIO, an open-source development platform for programming microcontrollers.

When you run "pio test" in the command line, it triggers the execution of unit tests for your project. Unit tests are small, isolated tests that verify the functionality of individual units or components of your code. These tests aim to check if each unit is working correctly and identify any bugs or errors.

Running "pio test" usually involves several steps. First, it compiles the test files and linked libraries. Then, it uploads the code to the target microcontroller or emulator. Afterward, it executes the defined test cases and reports the results, indicating which tests passed and which ones failed.

Using unit tests with "pio test" can help you ensure the integrity and reliability of your code, catch errors early in the development process, and make it easier to identify and fix problems. It is a common practice in software development to incorporate automated testing as part of the overall development workflow.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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