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pio-test: Ignore tests whose name matches a specific glob pattern.
$ pio test --ignore "${pattern}"
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The pio test --ignore "${pattern}" command is used to run tests in a software project and ignore specific tests that match a specified pattern.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • pio test: This part of the command instructs a software platform or tool named pio to run tests. pio is likely an abbreviation for PlatformIO, a tool used for developing and testing embedded systems.

  • --ignore "${pattern}": This option tells pio to exclude specific tests that match a pattern. The pattern is usually a string or regular expression that specifies the names or tags of the tests to be ignored. The ${pattern} syntax suggests that the pattern is a shell variable, and it is being passed as an argument to the --ignore option.

Overall, this command tells pio to run tests while excluding certain tests that match the specified pattern. The purpose of ignoring these tests could be to save time, exclude known problematic tests, or focus on specific areas during testing. The exact effect and implementation depend on the specific tool or framework being used.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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