The command "pipenv install" is used to create a virtual environment, install dependencies, and generate a Pipfile and a Pipfile.lock file.
Here is a breakdown of the steps it performs:
Checks if a virtual environment already exists in the current directory. If not, it creates a new one.
Searches for a "Pipfile" in the current directory. If found, it installs all the dependencies listed in the Pipfile. If the Pipfile does not exist, it will create one during the next step.
Scans the project directory for any Python packages specified in requirements.txt or setup.py files and installs them as dependencies.
Creates a "Pipfile" and a "Pipfile.lock" file. The Pipfile contains a list of installed packages and their specific versions, while the Pipfile.lock ensures that the same versions are installed on other machines or environments to maintain consistency.
In summary, "pipenv install" sets up a virtual environment, installs dependencies, and generates the Pipfile and Pipfile.lock files to manage project dependencies effectively.