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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pipenv. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Pipenv is a command line tool for managing Python virtual environments and package dependencies. It aims to simplify the creation and management of virtual environments, as well as the installation and uninstallation of packages.

With Pipenv, you can create virtual environments that encapsulate all the necessary Python dependencies for your project. It combines the functionality of pip (the Python package installer) and venv (the built-in Python virtual environment module) into a single command-line interface.

Pipenv automatically manages a Pipfile which specifies your project's dependencies, including the exact versions needed. This allows for reproducible installations and eliminates version conflicts.

It also provides a lock file, Pipfile.lock, which pins down the exact versions of all your dependencies. This ensures that anyone working on your project will have the same dependencies installed, guaranteeing consistency across different environments.

Pipenv supports easy package installation and removal using the command-line interface. It can fetch packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI) or from other specified sources.

Additionally, Pipenv integrates with popular package managers, such as pip and virtualenv, making it compatible with existing workflows and tools.

It provides commands for managing your environment, such as creating, removing, and activating virtual environments. It also allows for dependency resolution, so you can easily detect and resolve conflicts when installing packages.

Pipenv supports project-specific environments, allowing you to easily switch between multiple projects with their own isolated dependencies.

Overall, Pipenv simplifies and streamlines the management of Python project dependencies, providing a powerful and user-friendly command-line tool.

List of commands for pipenv:

tool overview