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plantuml: Render all diagrams of a directory.
$ plantuml ${path-to-diagrams}
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The "plantuml" command is used to execute PlantUML, which is a tool that allows the generation of UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams from a text-based input file.

In the given command, "${path-to-diagrams}" is a placeholder representing the actual directory path where your PlantUML diagram files are stored. The command is meant to be executed in a command-line interface (such as a terminal or command prompt), where you would replace "${path-to-diagrams}" with the appropriate path.

For example, if your PlantUML diagrams are stored in a directory called "diagrams" located on your desktop, the command would be:

plantuml /Users/your-username/Desktop/diagrams

After executing this command, PlantUML will process the diagram files in the specified directory and generate corresponding images or diagrams based on their content. The resulting files will typically have the same name as the input files but with a different extension (e.g., .png, .svg, etc.) depending on the output format specified in the actual PlantUML files.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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