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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool plantuml. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


PlantUML is a command line tool used for creating UML diagrams in various programming languages. It converts plain text into graphical representations of class diagrams, sequence diagrams, activity diagrams, and more. Written in Java, it is platform-independent and can be used on Windows, Mac, and Linux systems. The tool supports an intuitive and simple syntax that makes it easy for developers, analysts, and designers to quickly generate UML diagrams. It can also be integrated into various IDEs, including Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, and IntelliJ IDEA. PlantUML uses a combination of ASCII art and Unicode characters to define the structure and relationships between different elements in a diagram. The resulting diagrams can be generated in different image formats like PNG, SVG, and PDF. It also supports generating ASCII art diagrams, which can be helpful when working with plain text-based environments. The tool is actively maintained and has a large user community, with a wide range of examples and libraries available online. Additionally, it is extensible, allowing users to write their own custom extensions and plugins for added functionality.

List of commands for plantuml:

  • plantuml:tldr:7b6d7 plantuml: Display help.
    $ plantuml -help
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    explain this command
  • plantuml:tldr:822db plantuml: Render all diagrams of a directory.
    $ plantuml ${path-to-diagrams}
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  • plantuml:tldr:a64db plantuml: Render diagrams to default format (PNG).
    $ plantuml ${diagram1-puml} ${diagram2-puml}
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  • plantuml:tldr:dc881 plantuml: Render a diagram to the output directory.
    $ plantuml -o ${path-to-output} ${diagram-puml}
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  • plantuml:tldr:dc98a plantuml: Render a diagram in given format (e.g. `png`, `pdf`, `svg`, `txt`).
    $ plantuml -t ${format} ${diagram-puml}
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  • plantuml:tldr:ff72f plantuml: Render a diagram with the configuration file.
    $ plantuml -config ${config-cfg} ${diagram-puml}
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tool overview