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plutil: Convert a plist file to a different format, writing to `stdout`.
$ plutil -convert ${select} ${filename-plist} -o -
try on your machine

This command is using the "plutil" tool which is a command-line utility available on macOS and iOS.

The purpose of the "plutil" command is to manipulate property list (plist) files. Property lists are a standard file format used to store configuration and settings information in macOS and iOS applications.

The command is structured as follows:

  1. "plutil" - the name of the command-line tool.
  2. "-convert ${select}" - this option specifies the conversion type to be performed on the property list file. The "${select}" placeholder should be replaced with the desired conversion type. For example, "json" can be used to convert a plist file to JSON format.
  3. "${filename-plist}" - this should be replaced with the actual name and location of the plist file you want to convert.
  4. "-o -" - this option tells the "plutil" tool to output the converted plist file to the standard output (stdout) rather than creating a new file.

The command essentially converts the specified plist file to a different format and displays the converted output on the command-line screen. The output can be used for further processing or redirection to another file.

Note that the exact functionality and available conversion types may vary depending on the version of the operating system and the specific plutil tool installed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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