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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool plutil. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Plutil is a command line tool that stands for "Property List Utility". It is primarily used in the macOS and iOS environments.

This tool allows users to manipulate and inspect property list files, which are commonly used to store configuration data and preferences in Apple operating systems.

Plutil enables you to convert property list files between different formats such as binary, XML, and JSON, making it flexible for various use cases.

The command line options provided by plutil allow users to validate the syntax of property list files, which can help detect errors and ensure their integrity.

By using plutil, developers and system administrators can easily parse, modify, and generate property list files programmatically or as part of scripts.

Furthermore, plutil plays an essential role in debugging and troubleshooting processes since it can aid in identifying issues with property list files.

Overall, the plutil command line tool is a versatile utility that simplifies working with property list files in macOS and iOS environments, providing convenient options for conversion, validation, and manipulation.

List of commands for plutil:

  • plutil:tldr:434b5 plutil: Convert a plist file to a different format, writing to `stdout`.
    $ plutil -convert ${select} ${filename-plist} -o -
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  • plutil:tldr:7261a plutil: Convert a plist file to a different format, writing to a new file.
    $ plutil -convert ${select} ${filename-plist} -o ${path-to-new_file-plist}
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  • plutil:tldr:7ce46 plutil: Display the contents of one or more plist files in human-readable format.
    $ plutil -p ${file1-plist file2-plist ---}
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  • plutil:tldr:8263b plutil: Convert one or more plist files to binary format, overwriting the original files in-place.
    $ plutil -convert binary1 ${file1-plist file2-plist ---}
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  • plutil:tldr:c8fe1 plutil: Convert one or more plist files to XML format, overwriting the original files in-place.
    $ plutil -convert xml1 ${file1-plist file2-plist ---}
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