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plutil: Display the contents of one or more plist files in human-readable format.
$ plutil -p ${file1-plist file2-plist ---}
try on your machine

The command you provided is using the "plutil" utility in the command line. "plutil" is a macOS utility for working with property list (plist) files.

The command you provided, specifically "plutil -p ${file1-plist file2-plist ---}", seems to have a syntax issue. It seems to be trying to use a variable substitution syntax, but it is not correct. The "${file1-plist file2-plist ---}" part is not a valid variable syntax, and it doesn't provide any information about what is intended.

However, assuming you intended to use "plutil -p" separately on multiple plist files, the correct syntax would be:

plutil -p file1.plist
plutil -p file2.plist

This would run the "plutil" command twice, first for "file1.plist" and then for "file2.plist". The "-p" flag is used to print the contents of the plist files, allowing you to see the structured data in a human-readable form.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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