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pmset: Set display to sleep after 15 minutes when on battery power.
$ sudo pmset -b displaysleep 15
try on your machine

The command "sudo pmset -b displaysleep 15" is used in macOS Terminal to modify the sleep settings of the display when running on battery power. Here's what each part of the command means:

  • "sudo" is a command that allows the following command to be executed with root (administrative) privileges. It prompts you to enter your password before executing the command.
  • "pmset" is a command-line utility in macOS used to manipulate power management settings.
  • "-b" is an option/flag that specifies that the following setting should be applied when the device is running on battery power.
  • "displaysleep" is a parameter that defines the time to wait before the display is put to sleep or turned off.
  • "15" indicates the value in minutes. In this case, it means that the display will go to sleep or turn off after 15 minutes of inactivity when the device is running on battery power.

So, running this command modifies the display sleep setting for when the Mac is running on battery power and configures it to activate after 15 minutes of inactivity.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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