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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pmset. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


pmset is a command line tool used in macOS systems to manage power management settings. It allows users to control various aspects of power management, such as sleep settings, display behavior, and battery optimizations. The tool provides a variety of options and flags to modify power settings.

Users can view the current power management settings by running the command "pmset -g" in the Terminal. This will display information like battery status, sleep settings, and power source details.

pmset allows users to change sleep settings, such as the idle time before the system goes to sleep or the behavior when the lid is closed. These settings can be adjusted using command options like "pmset -b sleep X" (to modify battery sleep settings) or "pmset -c sleep X" (to modify AC power sleep settings).

The tool also enables users to customize display behavior, such as setting the display sleep time or enabling/disabling automatic brightness adjustment. This can be done using commands like "pmset displaysleep X" or "pmset -b lessbright X" (to modify battery brightness settings).

pmset can help optimize power usage for MacBook devices by adjusting various battery-related settings. For example, users can enable the "standby" mode that preserves battery life during extended sleep periods using the command "pmset -a standbydelaylow X".

List of commands for pmset:

  • pmset:tldr:0b780 pmset: Set display to never sleep when on charger power.
    $ sudo pmset -c displaysleep 0
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  • pmset:tldr:0c74b pmset: Set display to sleep after 15 minutes when on battery power.
    $ sudo pmset -b displaysleep 15
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  • pmset:tldr:2de5e pmset: Display the current power source and battery levels.
    $ pmset -g batt
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  • pmset:tldr:65dd0 pmset: Schedule computer to automatically wake up every weekday at 9 AM.
    $ sudo pmset repeat wake MTWRF 09:00:00
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  • pmset:tldr:7cbaf pmset: Restore to system defaults.
    $ sudo pmset -a displaysleep 10 disksleep 10 sleep 30 womp 1
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  • pmset:tldr:bfe34 pmset: Put display to sleep immediately.
    $ pmset displaysleepnow
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  • pmset:tldr:e0581 pmset: Display the current power management settings.
    $ pmset -g
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