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pmset: Restore to system defaults.
$ sudo pmset -a displaysleep 10 disksleep 10 sleep 30 womp 1
try on your machine

This command is a Terminal command used in macOS to configure the power management settings. Let's break it down:

  • sudo: This is a command that stands for "superuser do" and is used to execute a command with administrative privileges. It is often required for altering system settings.

  • pmset: This is a command-line utility in macOS used for managing power management settings on a Mac.

  • -a: This option specifies that the changes made to power management settings should apply to all power sources (AC power and battery).

  • displaysleep 10: This part of the command sets the duration for the display sleep (in minutes) to 10. It determines how quickly the display turns off when the system is idle.

  • disksleep 10: This part sets the duration for the disk sleep (in minutes) to 10. It determines how quickly the computer will put the hard disk(s) to sleep when idle.

  • sleep 30: This part sets the duration for the computer to enter a full sleep mode (in minutes) to 30. It determines how long it takes for the computer to go into a power-saving sleep state when idle.

  • womp 1: This part enables the "Wake On LAN" feature by assigning a value of 1. When Wake On LAN is enabled, the computer can be woken up remotely through a network connection.

When executed, this command will modify the power management settings so that the display will turn off after 10 minutes of inactivity, the hard disk(s) will enter sleep mode after 10 minutes, the computer will go into sleep mode after 30 minutes, and "Wake On LAN" will be enabled.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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