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pmset: Display the current power management settings.
$ pmset -g
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The command "pmset -g" in macOS is used to display the current power management settings on a system. By executing this command in the terminal, you can view information related to power management on your Mac, such as battery level, AC power status, sleep settings, power source preferences, and more. The "-g" flag stands for "get" and is used to retrieve and display the current power management configuration. Here's an example output that you might expect from running "pmset -g": ``` System-wide power settings: Currently in use: standbydelaylow 10800 standby 1 womp 1 halfdim 1 hibernatefile /var/vm/sleepimage powernap 1 gpuswitch 2 networkoversleep 0 disksleep 0 standbydelayhigh 86400 sleep 0 hibernatemode 3 ttyskeepawake 1 displaysleep 10 tcpkeepalive 1 highstandbythreshold 50 acwake 0 lidwake 1

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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