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pngcrush: Compress PNG file with all 114 available algorithms and pick the best result.
$ pngcrush -rem allb -brute -reduce ${in-png} ${out-png}
try on your machine

This command is using a tool called pngcrush to optimize and compress PNG files.

Here is a breakdown of the different options and parameters used in the command:

  1. pngcrush: This is the command to run the pngcrush tool.

  2. -rem allb: This option tells pngcrush to remove all ancillary chunks from the PNG file except for the essential ones. Ancillary chunks are additional data that may not be necessary for the image to be displayed but can be useful for other purposes such as metadata.

  3. -brute: This option enables brute-force (aggressive) compression. pngcrush will try different compression strategies and settings to achieve the best possible compression ratio. This can take more time but can result in smaller file sizes.

  4. -reduce: This option tells pngcrush to apply additional reduction operations to the image data to reduce the file size even further. This may include techniques like color quantization and reducing the bit depth.

  5. ${in-png}: This is a placeholder for the input PNG file path. You need to replace this with the actual path to the input file.

  6. ${out-png}: This is a placeholder for the output PNG file path. You need to replace this with the desired path and filename for the optimized PNG file.

Overall, this command takes an input PNG file, applies aggressive compression techniques, removes unnecessary data, and generates an optimized output PNG file with a potentially smaller file size.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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