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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pngcrush. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


PNGCrush is a command line tool used for optimizing PNG image files. It was developed by Glenn Randers-Pehrson and is available as an open-source software. The primary purpose of PNGCrush is to reduce the size of PNG files while maintaining their visual quality.

The tool achieves this by employing various compression techniques, including filter method selection, bit depth reduction, palette reordering, and more. PNGCrush uses a combination of lossless and lossy compression methods to achieve the smallest possible file size.

PNGCrush also provides options to remove unnecessary metadata and chunks from PNG files, helping to further reduce their size. It can remove color profiles, textual data, and other less essential information, resulting in leaner PNG files.

One notable feature of PNGCrush is its ability to perform multiple optimization passes on an image, gradually refining its compression to achieve the best possible results.

PNGCrush can be easily integrated into batch processes or automated workflows since it can be executed from the command line. It supports various platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Overall, PNGCrush is a powerful and efficient command line tool for optimizing PNG images, making it a popular choice for developers and designers looking to reduce file sizes without compromising quality.

List of commands for pngcrush:

  • pngcrush:tldr:3a9cb pngcrush: Compress all PNGs and output them to the specified directory.
    $ pngcrush -d ${path-to-output} *.png
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  • pngcrush:tldr:d9d3c pngcrush: Compress PNG file with all 114 available algorithms and pick the best result.
    $ pngcrush -rem allb -brute -reduce ${in-png} ${out-png}
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  • pngcrush:tldr:f016b pngcrush: Compress a PNG file.
    $ pngcrush ${in-png} ${out-png}
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