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pod: Remove CocoaPods from a Xcode project.
$ pod deintegrate ${xcode_project}
try on your machine

The command "pod deintegrate" is used to remove the integration of CocoaPods from an Xcode project. This command is typically used when you no longer need CocoaPods in your project or when you want to start fresh.

"${xcode_project}" is a placeholder for the Xcode project file (.xcodeproj) that you want to deintegrate Pod from. You need to replace "${xcode_project}" with the actual path to your Xcode project.

By running this command, CocoaPods will remove all the files and configurations that were added during the integration process. This includes removing the Pods.xcodeproj file, the Pods directory, and any modifications made to the Build Settings and Source Code of your Xcode project.

It is important to note that running "pod deintegrate" does not delete the Podfile or the installed pod dependencies. If you want to completely remove CocoaPods from your project, you should also manually delete the Podfile and the Pods directory after running this command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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