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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pod. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Pod is a command line tool used in the context of Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration platform. It allows users to manage and interact with individual pods, which are the smallest deployable units in a Kubernetes cluster. Pods are responsible for running one or more containers, usually closely related and interconnected.

With the 'pod' command, users can create, delete, and modify pods, as well as get detailed information about their status and configuration. The command also provides options to view logs, execute commands inside running pods, and even port-forward traffic from the pods to the local machine for debugging and troubleshooting purposes.

Pod allows for easy scaling and replication of pods, ensuring high availability and optimal resource utilization. It facilitates deployment and management of microservices by providing a standardized interface to control individual pods within a cluster environment. Pod is an essential tool for developers and system administrators working with Kubernetes to manage containerized applications efficiently and effectively.

List of commands for pod:

  • pod:tldr:38e15 pod: Show the outdated pods (of those currently installed).
    $ pod outdated
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  • pod:tldr:421f8 pod: Remove CocoaPods from a Xcode project.
    $ pod deintegrate ${xcode_project}
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  • pod:tldr:43490 pod: Update all currently installed pods to their newest version.
    $ pod update
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  • pod:tldr:4a870 pod: Create a Podfile for the current project with the default contents.
    $ pod init
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  • pod:tldr:b40c5 pod: Update a specific (previously installed) pod to its newest version.
    $ pod update ${pod_name}
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  • pod:tldr:dd0f6 pod: Download and install all pods defined in the Podfile (that haven't been installed before).
    $ pod install
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  • pod:tldr:e27c1 pod: List all available pods.
    $ pod list
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tool overview